I don't go anywhere without them.
In my early days of yard sailing I was hunting for fun, purchasing items that I could repurpose or include in a unique way in my garden. Some of the time that meant purchasing an item that had obvious flaws, such as a clock that did not work, or a plate that had a chip During that time period I relied on my sense of sight and touch to determine the presence of damage to items of which I had an interest.
As I started to attend auctions I was no longer buying for myself. I was purchasing items that I liked and that I hoped someone would purchase from me. That required a few tools of the trade to determine the condition of items that might be damaged but to the unaided eye looked fine.
My 5 Essential Gift Choices For the Antique Collector
Magnifying Lens/Loupe
These come in various sizes and levels of magnification. They are essential for looking for any type of hairline crack, chip, clarity in porcelain, jewelry, glass, dolls, even checking engravings in jewelry, and any small print like copyright dates, jewelry grading, size.

Tape Measure
A definite need, if you don't know how wide or deep your car is. This information is good to know when you are purchasing at an auction or estate sale and you must move the piece immediately. It helps to measure the piece before you buy so you will know whether it will fit in your vehicle. Measuring porcelain is helpful as reproductions are not the size of originals. Many folks have learned the hard way when purchasing the Little Red Riding Hood Cookie Jar.
Black Light
The black light flashlight is especially good for detecting hairline cracks in porcelain, porcelain dolls and in determining whether there has been any restoration to a piece.
Different paints will show up different colours. A picture sold as an original may be made from a digital reproduction and the black light will let you identify this deception.
What is really great is blacklight lets you know if you are looking at original Vaseline glass as that glows in the dark under black light-- so cool.
Magazine Subscription
What ever your collector is into collecting there
is bound to be a magazine devoted to the subject.
Price Guide of Choice
Price guides can be purchased in various forms. Membership to a collecting organization, for example, English Import Pottery,ususally have price guides and appriasals for their membership. Other options include online subsciption price guides and price guides for e-readers or print books.
Till next time, stay well, stay happy.
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