Besides enjoying the items I collect and sell, I enjoy learning about the history of the item and enjoy learning about the social context of items. Sometimes this information is easy to gather from someone you are purchasing or selling to, they have the knowledge in their head.
Other times if I want to learn about a particular itI need to do my own digging. My high school history teacher would be awed to hear I enjoy learning about history. Had history been taught in a way they
made it real and come to life, I am sure I would not have dozed in class as many times as I did!
St. Patrick is the saint who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. He was born in the British Isles and brought to Ireland as a slave. It is said he used the shamrock to explain the trinity to help others be reborn. Little is known of St. Patrick although there are traditions associated with the celebration of St Patrick that have produced items highly sought after.

Leprechauns, little green fairy creatures who are known to be mischievous and solitary shoemakers hid their wealth all about. They sometimes hid their wealth, including their gold at the end of rainbows. They wore green to blend in with the green grass.

The "Wearing of the Green" were popular images on Victorian trade

Be Sure To Watch The Video!
If you’re enough lucky to be Irish... You’re lucky enough!
May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks. May your heart be as light as a song. May each day bring you bright, happy hours that stay with you all the year long.

Till Next Time, Stay Well Stay Happy
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